Is there an application?
BWIB is one of the only clubs on campus to have an open membership throughout the entire school year. Fill out the application form here to become a BWIB general member. You will automatically be subscribed to our BWIB newsletter which contains an invite to the BWIB general google calendar, an invite to the BWIB slack, professional opportunities, and more.
What is active member status?
To become an active member, you must:
Fill out the application above
Attend a MINIMUM of 7 BWIB events per quarter which includes general meetings, committee meetings, company events, socials, etc.
We also ask for a small quarterly donation of $5 per quarter. Please venmo to @juliafrantz1.
The active members perks include:
Access to our database of resources (including our previous presentation decks, industry-specific resources, Zoom templates.)
Access to additional Exec office hours
The ability to apply for board positions
Early access to limited capacity events
A feature on the website and social platforms
Are there dues to become a general member? Who do I venmo?
Yes! In addition to the application form linked above, we also recommend a small quarterly donation of $5 as a member fee in order to support our events throughout the year. Please venmo to @juliafrantz1.
When and where do we meet?
Please see our events page for timing information.